Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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The 4th of July was way fun. I of course slept in a bit and watched the fitting classic Independence Day that morning. Then Mike, David, Courtney and I went to play Frisbee Golf in Idaho Falls. I'd never played before but it was really fun. David rocks at it. There were pictures taken but I haven't gotten those ones yet from Courtney. Then we went to Red Robin (may my job R.I.P.) and I got the most stunningly delicious Guacamole (olay!) Burger Protein Style. Absolute perfection. Then we came home, relaxed for a few hours, and then went to the Rexburg Fair Grounds Fireworks. They were perfect. 10 minutes, short and to the point. I'm not a fan of the Idaho Falls ones because

A) They're 45 minutes long (after about 5 I'm pretty much done), B) You have to get there in about mid-April to get a good location to watch them from (slight exaggeration), and C) it takes 3 hours to drive the 23 miles back to Rexburg once the fireworks are done.

So the Rexburg ones were perfect. Afterwards, Courtney has a really nice camera that she can keep the shutter open for up to 60 seconds (I could explain what this means but it would take too long). Basically, the longer the shutter is open the greater time it has to attract movement of light. So we had fun spelling words and designs with sparkle fireworks.


a&m said...

Anna said...

How fun! I love love love those pictures!

Haha I can totally see you as Flounder!!! I miss the good ol days of listening to Britney Spears and Disney on the way home from work.