Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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well hello.

I never know what to write after I've been absent from the blogging world for a while. For some reason I seem to go in waves. I'll be strong at it for a few good months and then drop it like its hot for a month or two. But to my defense, I am getting ready to graduate and all (and love reminding anyone I can whenever I can.)

For a quick re-cap:

I made the finals for the "dating blog" on What goes down is that EVERY THREE DAYS starting March 1, they've taken TWO OF THE FINALISTS and put their blogs up for voting. I AM NOT VOTABLE UNTIL MARCH 29. Which means, I will be up against another blogger on March 29 for your voting pleasure. Don't worry, you will get reminders...

I go to Seattle next week in the pursuit of internship/experience. This economy is this is definitely a good step in helping me find one. Instead of finding one myself, the school is helping us to get in some doors that could be very difficult to otherwise. Wish me luck!

I went on a road trip last week to the fantastic state of Arizona. IT WAS EPIC. Here's why:
- Got to see my brother Scott and sister-in-law Kiana (despite the fact that they think all I do is find ways to NOT see them while I'm there...haha. Not true.)
- Got to see my nephew Donovan. The cutest kid on this earth (along with other nieces and nephs)
- Got to see my parents for two hours!
- Traded cars with my brother/parents and now have the Hyundai Sonata (thanks mom and dad!)
- Got to visit my mission land and peeps: Row, the Wright Family (and their burritos).
- Got to see my friend Carrie.
- Got to go to the Mesa Temple for Stevie's Wedding.
- Got to see one of my best friends Brooke.
- In'n'Out
- DRIVING THE ENTIRE TIME (both ways minus one hour somewhere in south utah where april took over until the snow came...then she freaked. it was hilarious. Also, annoying April was semi-entertaining too.)

I interviewed to be an EFY Counselor this summer. I applied for Utah, Idaho, Arizona, California, and Washington. So hopefully I'll get something.

Mainly I'm just wrapping things up in all my classes. I've decided (to much dismay from a few of my friends for some reason...) that I'm not going to walk at graduation. I have no interest in it, and in thirty years I can guarantee that I'm not going to say "I wish I had walked...". I'm not. I graduated, that's all that matters to me! 25 more days.

Sorry for no pictures in this entry.


Britt said...

Thanks for the update! How is Brooke? Does she keep a blog?

Emily said...

welcome back. glad you’re here again. i would, however, like to add one thing to your phoenix trip that sadly you neglected: you enjoyed the delights of 3 cd's compiled by yours truly. perhaps next time you won't be so neglectful or hurtful... :)

Kati said...

craigy i can't even picture you with a different car and i laugh just thinking about you driving in the snow0uh remember jessica's star valley reception?

James Shipley said...

Um, I have a lot of questions.

lover of life said...

Thanks for the shout out... But you're legit not walking?!?! I'm so dissapointed I loved every minute of it

Katie Jo said...

wow... I love how I wasn't even mentioned as being a part of that road trip...