Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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efy: year two. week four.

Santa Barbara!

Can I stay here forever? I mean, wow. This week efy was at UCSB and it is literally on the ocean. The ocean is in sight pretty much all day long.

This week I had babies again (14-15 year olds) and they were all fantastic. Again, there are too many stories to tell here (I've written them down for myself in my journal) but here are some (meaning a lot) of pictures from this week.

We were right in the heart of campus all week long.
Students would be stopping us all the time asking us what we were all doing there.

The last two pictures are from the dance. Crowded!

Also...the service project this year is to write "thank you" cards for the people that help us who aren't affiliated with efy. My company this week was assigned two girls who work the front desk of the dorms that we live in: Erika and Lily. We're supposed to make them a huge card and come up with a skit/song/rap to perform when we take the card to them. I went ahead of time and found out that Erika and Lily weren't on the shift at the moment when my kids were supposed to present the card to I got their email address and decided to videotape their song and email it to the both of them.

They loved it!
I got emails back saying it completely made their days and that they've never had a YouTube video dedicated to them before.

Here it is (lyrics below...written entirely by the youth...and it's sung to the melody of Taylor Swifts "You Belong With Me.")


You're at your desk
It's like ten thirty at night
Me and Carter walk up,
We're such a sight.
We just showered
And we lost our room keys.

You shake your head
and go to work, "NOT AGAIN!"
Just two more kids
Who can't get sense up in their head.
But we know just how much
We owe you!

We wear towel skirts.
You got staff shirts.
You do everything
And we don't give you a word.

If you could see how much you do for us
Sitting there at your desk being selfless.
Think you are
So neeeat.
Erika and Lily!!


robin said...

aw craig, you're just a big kid.

and, you're looking good!

but what is that on your head?

Elissa Stewart said...

Oh man, my sister, cousin, and a bunch of kids from this area went to your session. Too bad my sister did get you!