Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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time capsule.

I've been meaning to do this post for a while.

Back in February I found a time capsule that I vaguely remember making in 1998. It was up above the closet in one of those forgotten-about storage cubbies in the house that only anyone thinks about when they want to find the old lego's or my brother Scott's baseball cards.

It was in a box that I had labeled very specifically.

Apparently I was supposed to open it on October 28, 2008 at noon sharp! Or else!
Why? I have no clue or remembrance of why October 28...

...especially since the top of the box says I made it on October 7 (my mom's birthday), followed by a large print message of

I had no memory of anything that I put in there.

So I opened it...three years late.

Once I opened it I remembered all of this stuff. I remembered those crazy designed journal that our parents got either just me or all of us kids one year for Christmas.
And the shark hat! Yikes!

Everything out of the box.
There were old receipts from 7/11. (what?)
Old movie tickets. (Toy Story, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie, Space Jam, Independence Day, Home Alone 3, 101 Dalmations, Selena, Jumanji, Jurassic Park: The Lost World, Batman & name a few.)
Books I had read as a kid.
Elementary school yearbooks.
Pictures from Hawaii (of which every single snapshot was of a plant and I wasn't in one of them. I still remember my mom being semi angry about this...I wasn't in a single photo of my hawaiian trip for 7th grade choir! Just plants!)
Arts and crafts.

Early creative thinking.

Knitting scarf? I dunno.

I remember making this dinosaur and mask of my face in sixth grade.

Some of my early art.

I remember this book where you can mix and match different parts of animals.

I found a bunch of Ariel Theatrical cast photos back from my thespian days!
I'm in these somewhere!

This is my favorite find:

A journal entry from November 29, 1992
These are the things I like about school. I like:


Papa Dave said...

Wow Craig. Good stuff. Good memories. If I remembered the Hawaiian pictures of plants only, I would have been semi-upset too.

robin said...

great stuff, craig!

i love your journal entry. a.d.d. anyone?

Kristi said...

Awesome!! We made time capsules for YW's that we're supposed to open on our 25th birthday. My high school made every freshman make a capsule that was given back to us at the senior breakfast. It was pretty sweet.