Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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flashback friday: the tamagotchi.

In 1997, and if you were a 7th grader, this little fella was all the hype.

The tamagotchi.
What were we thinking?

This thing/toy/creature/critter was an entire social life wrapped into a digital device originally designed for kids to adopt some sort of sense of responsibility. What they got instead was a pop culture phenomenon that came and went as quick as a Christmas day.

The idea was to not let your digital creature die. How this was accomplished with only three buttons is beyond me. I don't remember. But I do remember that the thing ate, danced, sang, played games, slept, and even pooped. And someone got very very rich off of this.

I remember school had to eventually ban them because everyone was feeding their tamagotchi during class and the teacher could hear the beeping. And once the school's started to ban them then the little tamagotchi fad began to fade into the 90's memories of the human pre-teen mind.

The point is I had one. And you had one. We all had one. And if you didn't, then you probably babysat someone's who did have one.

And if you really didn't then you can watch this super boring history of the tamagotchi to remind you of what you missed out on:


Emily said...

ha! i'm dying over here... mostly at your "if you didn't have one then you can watch this super boring history of the tamagotchi"... who wants to watch that?! ha! said...

Wow, really pleasant post. I love this marvelous virtual toy Kamagotchi. I have just ordered this at PIJ. I hope I will get this in 3 days. Your posted image and video really gorgeous. Thanks for your amazing share.