Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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this is a true story.

The other day my mom noticed something different in the laundry room.
So she asked me what I had been using to wash my clothes with.
I told her the blue stuff sitting above the washer on the shelf.


She told me that that stuff was the fabric softener...
and not the laundry detergent (which was sitting right next to it)!

Laughing ensued as we realized for the past year living at home and doing my own laundry that I hadn't once correctly cleaned my clothes.

Hence the often "you have stains on your shirt!" comments from the parentals.

But at least my clothes were always soft...


robin said...

oh craig...

Elissa Stewart said...

Haha. I actually did the same thing for awhile myself! Though not for a whole year...

Kristi said...

I did this all the time!! Katie was like, " You bought fabric softener again." Haha!

Emily said...

still not 100% sure why you'd announce this to the blogosphere... :D