Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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van gogh.

It's fall!

This weekend was my friend Jaina's birthday! I've known her family forever and grew up with her and her brother. They invited me to go to San Francisco to see the Van Gogh Museum exhibit. It was awesome. They had a bunch of his original paintings, including Starry Night, which is like his "Mona Lisa", so it was a struggle to get up close to that one. But it was cool. I'm glad I got to go. Unfortunately, and to our bitter dismay, you weren't allowed to take pictures in the actual museum.
Oh well.

This was the museum. Doesn't it look like something right out of Indiana Jones or something? The tall building on the right is the observation tower in the middle of the museum. You go to the top and can see a lot of the Bay.

There was the coolest fountain outside the museum that had a bunch of art displays and artists showing off their stuff. It was very unique.

As far as my camera was allowed in the museum.

The sight from the observation tower. You can see the top of the golden gate bridge way out there.

I just thought this looked cool.

They had face cut outs and we took a few. Here's Jaina.

And J.J.

And myself.

This tree trunk was so awesome.

The ride home was FULL of traffic. We were on the same street in San Francisco (six miles long) for 75 minutes. But it was a fun trip to be had and I'm thankful I got to Gogh.


Janis said...

I would like to Gogh sometime and see it all myself.

dlpower said...

haha your last sentence was funny. You make me laugh. That sounds like such a cool experience. Miss you friend