Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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Home sweet home.

The reason for the above picture is for two reasons:

1. For my niece Parker. My mom made her favorite meal for the first time that my sister Robin posted. So we tried it and it was delicious. Thanks for the recommendation Parker.

2. To show that one of my best friends, Matt, is now living IN Salinas. He got a teaching job at Everett Alvarez High School and now lives a half mile away from my house. WHAT?? It is suuuper weird but awesome that he lives here. He found a nice apartment near the red brick Presbyterian church in South Salinas. A funny quote is that he came by to pick me up and I said "It's so weird that you're picking me up in my home town..." and he responded, "This is MY home town now buddy!!..." It was funny.

Mom with Parker's meal.

The main reason I came home was for Jaina and Joey's wedding. They are two of my best friends from Salinas and I've known them forever, and never apart. They've been dating since the seventh grade! This wedding was a long time coming but it was a great event. I didn't have much time to take pictures; I was busy at the piano.

But I got a few during the wedding rehearsal.

And the above picture I stole off facebook after the wedding.

They had a photo booth at the wedding reception.

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