Best week ever.
I'm back in Provo! And this past week I finally got to be a counselor over 16-17 year olds. And while there's nothing particularly better or worse about that, this group of youth was particularly incredible. I had 8 boys and 8 girls in my company. How perfect is that? I know they loved it...
Something about this group of kids was just inspiring. From the get-go they all got to know each other so well and bonded as a company. Our company name this week: The Greatest of All.
It was.
Our completed, and might I add AWARD WINNING, company flag/banner. (We added the word gifts to our company name just for the banner...shhhh...but it was legal. Its from Doctrine and Covenants 14:7).
This picture was taken just after they announced the winner for best banner. My kid Christian held it for everyone to see.
And not only did we win best banner, but we also had the AWARD WINNING cheer/skit. It was epic. My youth had no idea what they were going to do until twenty (emphasize on the 20) minutes before we had to perform it in front of the judges (and us counselors aren't allowed to help them). Then out of nowhere they got the inspiration, put it together, and dominated. My co-counselor and I were so proud. The above two pictures are them performing it in front of the entire EFY session (about 500 people).
Gathering before the musical program.
Service project. Proven so much easier with tables to work on. Much more efficient.
Nate and Carrie.
These were my 8 boys for the week.
Christian, David, Austin, Jared, Nate, Jeremy, Matthew, and Tyler.
Such awesome guys. And might I add tall? When I first walked in to meet them I had to ask if some of them were really sixteen years old! They're a hundred feet tall! Physically and spiritually. This really was an amazing group. I didn't have any issues. We had a ton of fun. And we respected each other. Not that other groups have not been this way, but something was just different. Not bad, not good, just different.
The lucky ladies. Such a good group of girls.
All the counselors from our session this week. That's a heck of a lot of orange! (which you know I love...). And if you look closely, those of you who know her, Jessica Locke is kneeling on the bottom left. We were in the same session this week.
I didn't want this week to end but it did. The boys all went home and I hope that something I did or said or didn't do or say made an impact in their lives. But I also know to not take any of the credit for anything. The miracles they each had in their lives this week comes from something else. Something Higher.
Farewell friends.
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