Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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efy: year two. week one.

But first!...

When I got to Utah almost 3 weeks ago I had a double ear infection going on inside my head.
I even started teaching myself sign language (jokingly) watching YouTube training videos. But I wasn't in any pain, which is why I didn't really think anything was wrong. I just thought I had lots of ear wax buildup and got some ear drops.

Then I had my friends look in my ears and their reactions were ones straight out of a horror movie. That's a result of the following pictures which I think are hilarious.

Dr. Mike

After a week and efy getting closer and closer I started to get a little worried; I wanted to be able to hear my kids! I didn't want them to confide something in me and to then say something extremely opposite back.

"Craig, my dad is really mean to me."
That would be terrible.

Thanks to my friend Emily who took me to her neighbor doctor who checked my ears. He didn't have quite the same reaction as my friends (it was kinder...), and said I wasn't dying just had ear wax buildup and a double ear infection. He cleaned some out, gave me a two week prescription, gave me instructions on how to clean them up, and now I'm all perfectly better.

Regardless, I'll never be using a Q-Tip ever again.

And now I'm fully able to hear the efy youth.

Well the first week was awesome! I had a great group of guys and a great company of girls.

Here are some pictures.
(I don't know how to make it so that you can click on each picture to make it bigger. It seems to just pick and choose which ones. Does anyone know the secret?)

I have a few very funny stories from this week but one of my favorites was asking my kids if any of them have been out of the country before.
Two of them said Hawaii.
That was followed by a quick history lesson.

BYU has some construction so we had to take some roundabout ways to locations. Also there are 4 different sessions of efy going on at a time on campus so pretty much we were all over the place. My kids were troopers though.

They even had blisters on their feet by the end of the week. No joke.

Now THAT'S efy.

1 comment:

Janis said...

I love your last two posts Craig. I'm glad your ears are better. That was awful.

Lucky kids to have you for their leader. Love, Mom