Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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efy: year two. week seven.

Week seven got me back in Provo where I started the summer.

And it was the week of the "warm fuzzies". The session directors handed all the counselors little fuzzies that we had to give the youth every time we saw an act of service. They wore a giant jar-like backpack (seen below) where the kids could put them in when the received one. The goal was to have it full by the end of the week. And it was.

Also it rained. all. week. long.
Which required lots of changes in schedule, locations, and activities.

My coco is a dance major at BYU so she taught our group a few cultural group dances. One was even called the Hungarian Suicide Dance. It was really fun (and funny) to see the kids learn them and perform them.

Gospel study time.

The snow-cone place just across the street from campus gives counselors free snow-cones if they bring their kids during free time! EFY allows it so we did it on Friday. The line was long and it started raining but it was so fun.

It's a party at efy.

1 comment:

dlpower said...

oh Craig...glad to see you had a blast but i thought you hated the snow cone place...ha I love the warm fuzzy idea.