Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake...

The need was never greater of new revelation than now.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1838

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here it is.

Here it is!

Thank you Scott & Kiana (and a few friends here and there) for helping me out.

Click above.


aubry. said...

pepsi? beverage of your choice and you chose pepsi?

that made me crawl right out of my google reader and speak my mind.

i'm shaking my head at you right now, craig tyler shipley.

other than that, good work. oh, and you forgot manny on your resume. better fix that up this minute.

robin said...

awesome craigy! it looks great!
what about macy's party invitation? isn't that worth mentioning?