hello seattle.
how i love you.
I have the urge right now to use a lot of exclamation points, but for the sake of my sister's sanity, I'll only use one...! But I'm super-stoked because I just received the following email:
Sorry for the slow response but please see the message below.
Congratulations, you have been selected to attend the Seattle Expedition on March 24-26, 2010. There were 61 applicants and we were only allowed to select 40 due to available airline tickets, so consider yourself lucky.
-Justin Hodges
Exciting huh? I don't exactly know what we do on these things but I've heard they're a ton of fun and informational. Plus, I love Seattle. Ever since I lived there six years ago I fell in love with it and the weather (I know...I'm weird)....and hopefully it's where I end up someday.
Two month countdown begins!...
thanks for practicing restraint with the exclamation points.
well that's exciting! i don't know what it is, but whatever it is, good job!
Congrats Craig:) Josh went on that same expedition last year. If you have any questions about it give him a call. He loved Seattle too! I wish I could go.
congrats son. Way to go. It will be fun and hopefully profitable for you as well.
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